Success Stories
Amazon Facility Under Construction in Waco
Amazon is building a 700,218 square foot distribution center in Waco at Exchange Parkway. Once built, the distribution center will employ up to 1,000 workers at a pay of $15 an hour.
Daniel Martin, a spokesman for Amazon, said in a statement, “Amazon’s land purchase in Waco provides us with the flexibility to respond to the needs of our customers, leverage the talented local workforce and address Amazon’s future network needs.” That’s exactly what a location in the Heart of Texas region offers – access to a large skilled workforce at rates that are affordable. “Our workforce is one of our competitive advantages,” said Dorthy Jackson, Regional and Economic Development Manager for the Heart of Texas Economic Development District.
Amazon will also benefit from the region’s growth and the access it offers to other major metropolitan markets like Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin. “We are strategically located and offer businesses the best of all worlds. They can serve our local markets, plus reach major cities in an hour and a half. Our land prices cost less than they do in most major metros and our infrastructure is strong. This is truly an excellent place for Amazon and any distribution company,” said Jackson.
Waco, TX 76712