HOTCOG’s Law Enforcement Training Program is Educating Law Enforcement in The Heart of Texas region!
15 Nov 2021
The Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG) oversees a Regional Law Enforcement Training Program in the Heart of Texas region! The goal of this program is to increase the education and training level of law enforcement in the HOTCOG region. Another goal of this program is to provide officers with training for state-mandated, intermediate, and specialized training. This training is free of charge for all officers located in the HOTCOG region, except for some classes offered by a third party which may charge a small fee.
A few of the law enforcement training classes that HOTCOG offers are classes in Basic Instructor 1014, Crisis Intervention Training 1850, De-escalation Techniques: limiting the use of force with the public 1849, Intermediate Child Abuse Prevention 2105, and more! Click here to learn more about the law enforcement training program and classes that HOTCOG offers!