Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee

The Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee exists to advise the HOTCOG Executive Committee in Emergency Preparedness activities, including planning issues, opportunities for grants and funding, disseminating new laws/regulations and the setting of regional priorities. The Committee represents the various disciplines of emergency planning, law enforcement, fire/rescue/hazardous material response, health, and communications. The committee develops regional goals and recommends distribution of regional funds.


Mr. Tom Hemrick
Emergency Management Coordinator, Hill County

Contact Wayne Stovall, Homeland Security Manager for more information on the Homeland Security program and grant process.

(254) 292-1893 or Wayne.Stovall@hot.cog.tx.us

2024 Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

DateAgendaVirtual LinkMinutes
January 10, 2024January Agenda January Minutes
February 15, 2024February Agenda February Minutes
March 13, 2024Cancelled  
May 8, 2024May Agenda May Minutes 
July 3, 2024July Agenda July Minutes
September 11, 2024September Agenda  

2023 Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

DateAgendaVirtual LinkMinutes
February 15th, 2023February Agenda February Minutes
March 8, 2023Cancelled  
May 10, 2023May Agenda May Minutes
September 13, 2023September Agenda September Minutes
November 8,2023November Agenda November Minutes

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