How HOTCOG Helps to Protect the Heart of Texas Environment

31 Aug 2022
As an economic developer, HOTCOG places value on assisting the Heart of Texas in any way possible. This includes maintaining a clean and healthy surrounding environment in all communities throughout the Heart of Texas.
The environment of a particular region can impact the physical and mental health, work habits, and overall quality of life of the people who live there. According to an article from the World Health Organization, in 2012 approximately 12.6 million people died from living or working in an unhealthy environment.
HOTCOG is aware of how the environment can shape one’s health. That’s why it is dedicated to maintaining clean air and keeping pollution levels low throughout the Heart of Texas.
HOTCOG even has its own Environmental Department focusing on environmental development programs that benefit the region. The two primary HOTCOG Environmental Development Programs are The Air Quality Program and The Solid Waste Program.
Clean Air in the Heart of Texas
The Air Quality Program involves improving air quality and reducing ozone formation by spreading awareness and taking action. The objective of the program is to enhance the health and quality of life for Heart of Texas residents and employees.
HOTCOG established an Air Quality Advisory Committee to assess the region’s ozone. HOTCOG spread awareness of ozone issues to citizens through multimedia advertising and speaking opportunities around the Heart of Texas.
Solid Waste Awareness in the Heart of Texas
HOTCOG’s Solid Waste Program was developed to educate Heart of Texas residents about reducing, reusing, and recycling the materials that are used daily. It offers education and training on solid waste through school visits and promotional materials. Solid waste grant projects receive funding from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the environmental agency for the state of Texas.
Every two years the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) creates a funding plan outlining the environmental priorities and details about available funding for the solid waste programs. Heart of Texas residents have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the plan through public hearings prior to implementation.
Your Heart of Texas Business Can Benefit from Helping the Environment
Businesses across the U.S. are learning to focus on the impact their day-to-day operations may have on the environment. By making your business environmentally friendly, you will ultimately be contributing to the overall improvement of the Heart of Texas environment.
In a 2021 study performed by The IBM Institute for Business Value, more than two-thirds of potential workers surveyed were more likely to accept jobs with environmentally responsible organizations. Surveyed were more than 14,000 adults from nine countries including the U.S.
At HOTCOG, it is our goal to provide opportunity and growth within the Heart of Texas. Not only do we have programs that help the Heart of Texas environment, but we can also help you to make informed decisions that bring stability to your business and lead it to success. Contact HOTCOG today and we will present you with information and resources to help your Heart of Texas business grow!
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