The Heart of Texas Rural Transit District Can Get You from Point A to Point B!
25 Oct 2021
The Heart of Texas Rural Transit District (HOTRTD) is here to assist clients with transportation services regionwide! HOTRTD provides rural public transportation to the public, including but not limited to senior citizens and people with disabilities. This transportation service is classified as “origin-to-destination” which means the vehicle stops at the passenger’s address to pick them up instead of having to go to a pick-up location.
The Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG) has helped this effort by providing twenty-three HOTCOG owned vehicles that range from seating three to twelve passengers. HOTCOG is dedicated to providing a variety of services to several cities and counties in Texas. HOTRTD is one such initiative that is helping Texans by providing safe and accessible public transportation. Click here to learn more about transportation options and schedules and take advantage of HOTRTD’s public transportation services today!
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The Heart of Texas Council of Governments is Your Source for Regional Economic Development News!
Sep 27 2021