Heart of Texas’ 9-1-1 Program is Here to Help!
22 Nov 2021
The Heart of Texas Council of Governments’ (HOTCOG) 9-1-1 program is here to help people in Texas find access to help immediately for any type of emergency! The nationwide 9-1-1 program has been up and running successfully since 1968. The purpose of the 9-1-1 program was to provide an easy to remember number for people to reach police, fire, or emergency medical assistance from any phone, in any location.
HOTCOG’s 9-1-1 program delivers this service to five counties in the region including Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, and Limestone counties. McLennan County has its own separate emergency communications program. Click here to learn more about HOTCOG’s 9-1-1 program and how it is helping people with emergency assistance in the region!
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