The Heart of Texas Has Incentive Programs to Help Any Business!

17 Jan 2022


The Heart of Texas Economic Development District (HOTEDD) is helping area businesses by providing several incentive programs to them! HOTEDD is dedicated to helping businesses develop and thrive in this region. This is why we go the extra mile to provide businesses with incentives that will help with this goal! This is why HOTEDD has compiled a list of regional and state incentives on our website, for free!

HOTEDD also provides regional assistance to any business in the Heart of Texas region! This includes in-person meetings, helping with the application, developing a financial strategy, and providing as much in-depth information on each incentive program as possible. These incentive programs range from grants, in-state tuition incentives, loans, enterprise funds, and trade zone incentives! Click here to learn more about all of the incentive programs that are available and see if your business qualifies for them today!